The list of actions below should be used to start your checklist, which includes items that should be prepared and checked off before a disaster strikes. Improve home safety and promote emergency preparedness by following this guide.

Smoke Alarm Installation

\"improve Home\"

Smoke alarms should be installed on each level of your home, especially near bedrooms. You should always follow local codes and the manufacturer's instructions about installation and safety requirements. Smoke alarms are your first line of fire defense, so be sure to test them every six months.

Verify Insurance Coverage

It is important to have adequate insurance coverage whether you are a homeowner or renter. Flood damage and other hazards are not necessarily included, so be sure to get detailed information on your coverage.

Home Inventory

In case of loss or damage, a useful technique to assure your financial stability is to make a record of your possessions to help you claim reimbursement. You will most likely find it easier to support your claim if you keep photographs or videos of the interior and exterior of your home as well as other valuables. To protect these documents or and other vital family records, store them in a safe deposit box or other safe location. Some important documents would include birth and marriage certificates, social security cards, passports, wills, deeds, and financial, insurance.

Understanding Utilities

There are some disasters that require that you know how to turn off utilities such as water, gas, and electricity at the main switches or valves. Make sure you practice this with your family in case you are not home when a disaster strikes. It's also advisable to keep any needed tools near gas and water shut off valves.

As important as it is to practice shut off procedures, do not actually turn off the gas valves for practice purposes because they can only be turned on by a qualified professional. You should only turn off the utilities if you suspect the lines are damaged, or if local officials instruct you to do so.

Preventative Repairs

Whether you own or rent, your home should be kept well maintained and in good condition. If you have any structural defects such as cracks in ceilings, walls, and foundations, get them repaired. It's advisable to fix worn electrical wiring and leaky gas connections promptly.

Emergency Checklist

Leo Nov is an editorial staff member of RestorationSOS®, to learn more about Smoke Damage and Flood Damage visit or call 1-877-767-2407

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